Dental Bridges in Northlake, Illinois: Permanent Solution for Missing Teeth

Dental Bridges

Best Dental Bridges Service in Northlake, IL

If you have recently lost a tooth, it is essential to explore teeth replacement options to minimize the potential long-term consequences. At Olive Family Dental, we highly recommend considering dental bridges in Northlake, IL, as an effective restorative treatment. Our skilled dentist near you is well-versed in various restorative techniques and can provide you with the best dental bridge solutions.

A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration that involves the use of false teeth supported by adjacent teeth. It is an excellent option for individuals who have experienced partial tooth loss. With a dental bridge, it is possible to restore up to four missing teeth as long as they are adjacent to one another.

If you are interested in dental bridges or would like to learn more about this restorative treatment, kindly contact our professional team today. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with us for the best dentist near me assistance and take the first step toward restoring your smile.

4 Type of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges offer various options for patients experiencing tooth loss.

Mainly there are 4 types of dental bridges available. They include, Conventional bridges, Maryland-bonded bridges, Cantilever bridges, and Implant-supported bridges. Conventional bridges consist of pontic teeth supported by two adjacent anchor teeth. These bridges are crowned to hold the bridge securely in place. 

Maryland-bonded bridges also rely on two neighboring teeth for support. However, instead of using dental crowns, they employ porcelain or metal wings that are bonded to the backside of the anchor teeth, providing stability to the bridge. Cantilever bridges differ in their support structure, as they are secured to only one adjacent tooth. This type of bridge may not be recommended for posterior teeth due to the potential for increased strain on a single tooth.

Implant-supported bridges utilize dental implants as the foundation for the bridge. Implants are surgically placed in the jawbone, providing strong and stable support. This option is particularly suitable for patients who lack natural teeth to support the restoration.  Dental professionals at Olive Family Dental, are trained to help you choose the most appropriate type of dental bridge based on your specific needs and oral health.

What to Expect from Our Professional Service

Once it has been determined that dental bridges are a suitable option for you, you can schedule a tooth preparation appointment with us. During this procedure, the adjacent teeth will be contoured to create space for the placement of crowns. It’s important to note that Maryland-bonded bridges do not require this step.

Our experienced dentist in Northlake, IL will take dental impressions after reshaping your teeth. These impressions will be sent to a dental laboratory, where skilled technicians will create custom restorations using the materials of your choice. Dental bridges can be crafted from porcelain, ceramic, or porcelain fused to metal, as well as metal alloys. So, to embark on your journey towards a confident smile, we invite you to call Olive Family Dental today and schedule a consultation with our dedicated team.  Let our team help you in achieving the beautiful smile you always deserve!