Improve your smile with dentures in Northlake, IL - Olive Family Dental


Best Partials and Full Dentures in Northlake, IL

Dentures offer a practical solution for those with missing teeth, featuring replacement teeth supported by a natural-looking gum-colored base. If tooth loss has affected you, partial dentures can be an excellent option. 

However, if you’re facing complete tooth loss, our skilled dentist in Northlake, IL may suggest full dentures as the most suitable choice.  Discover if dentures are the right fit for your needs by contacting Olive Family Dental team today.

The process of creating Denture:

Crafting custom partials and full dentures in Northlake, IL is a meticulous process that spans several weeks and multiple dental appointments. Here’s an overview of our treatment procedure at Olive Family Dental:

  • First, our professionals take precise dental impressions to assess the alignment of your jaws and determine your specific needs.
  • Working in collaboration with our trusted dental lab, our dentist creates a series of wax models for you to try on. Through multiple try-ins, we ensure that the color, fit, and shape of your dentures are perfected before proceeding.
  • Only when every aspect meets your satisfaction, the dental lab expertly crafts your final dentures using high-quality materials like porcelain, composite resin, acrylic, and acrylic resin.
  • Our experts then personally deliver your dentures and provide comprehensive instructions on their usage, ensuring you feel confident and comfortable with your new restoration.
  • To guarantee optimal functionality and comfort, any necessary adjustments are made as needed. It’s important to note that a short adjustment period may be required as you acclimate to your new dentures. 

Rest assured, we encourage patience and are here to support you throughout this transition.

For an exceptional denture experience catered to your unique requirements, contact Olive Family Dental today.

How to take care of your Dentures

To extend the lifespan of your dentures, regardless of the materials they’re crafted from, proper care is essential. 

Our dentist highly recommends following these denture care tips:

  • Handle your dentures with care by placing a towel underneath them during cleaning. This precautionary measure ensures a soft landing if they accidentally slip from your grasp.
  • After each meal, remember to rinse your dentures thoroughly. This helps remove food particles and debris, keeping your dentures fresh and clean.
  • Regularly clean your dentures using a gentle denture cleanser or mild dishwashing liquid. This gentle approach effectively eliminates stains and prevents the buildup of plaque.
  • Brush your dentures with a soft-bristled denture brush to maintain their appearance and hygiene. This helps prevent staining and removes any lingering particles that rinsing alone might not eliminate.
  • When not in use, store your dentures in a container filled with water. This keeps them moist and helps prevent warping or drying out, ensuring they retain their proper shape.

By following these smart denture care practices, you can maximize the longevity of your dentures and maintain their optimal condition. For further guidance and personalized advice, reach out to our expert team at Olive Family Dental.

Book an Appointment

Don’t let missing teeth hinder your chewing ability, speech, and self-confidence any longer. 

Experience the transformative power of partials and full dentures available near you at Olive Family Dental. 

Take the first step towards restoring your smile by scheduling your appointment today. Contact us and embark on your journey to complete and confident teeth health!